
Jul 09
May 02
May 01

How to Nail a Speaker Slot

In advance of his headline speaking slot at Legal Geek North America Conference, Mark Cohen talks with Legal Geek about the evolution of his public speaking skills and what it takes to land a speaker slot.
Mar 11

New International Teaching Engagements

IE Law School (Spain)—Visiting Professor teaching three Master Classes  College of Law (Australia)— Faculty Fellow, & Program Board, Master of Legal Business Program
Mar 11
Jul 23
Mar 28

Twelve Considerations For A Digital Talent Management Strategy

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” --Albert Einstein The  speed, breadth, constancy, and interconnectivity of change requires business to reimagine its talent management strategy. Digital transformation and generative AI have heightened the stakes and accelerated the urgency of identifying, engaging, upskilling, advancing, and retaining an agile,... read more →
Feb 12

3 Reasons Why General Counsel Are Enterprise Strategy Assets

Enterprise strategic planning has never been more challenging. The Doomsday Clock is the closest it has ever been to midnight, a reflection of the unprecedented danger the world faces. The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2024 surveyed more than 1,400 industry leaders, risk experts, and policy makers. They ranked this... read more →
Dec 19

Law’s 2023: AI Is Just Part Of The Story

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” --Albert Einstein Artificial intelligence (AI) has been the big legal industry story of 2023, and there are a legion of reasons why. Generative AI’s rapidly expanding capability to perform many legal tasks will impact delivery... read more →
Aug 02

Who Will Train Digital (Legal) Talent At Scale?

The acceleration of change is straining human capacity to adapt. The implications are profound for individuals, families, business, societies, geopolitics, and the planet. How can humanity meet the challenges change poses and realize the opportunities it presents? The urgency of  adaptation is  already impacting the workforce, business and society.  Business... read more →
Jun 06
May 02
Mar 23

Legal Market Change Is Gradual; A Paradigm Shift Will Be Sudden.

“How did you go bankrupt?" Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” ― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises   Thomson Reuters (TR) released its “2023 Report on the State of the Legal Market.” This came on the heels of its “Alternative Legal Services Providers 2023 Report,” TR’s fourth biennial review of providers that... read more →
Jan 31
Dec 15

Law’s Delayed Future

“The future is already here—it’s just not very evenly distributed” observed William Gibson, the noted science fiction writer. He was not referring to the legal industry but could have been. While there is no shortage of self-proclaimed “disruptors,” “innovators,” and “visionaries” in the legal space, the industry is a digital... read more →